Adult 4th Kyu - Purple Belt
Demonstrate the full Green Belt syllabus and the following:
+ Sliding from someone's back from a height no greater than 3 feet
+ Diving over 1 person at a height no greater than 3 feet
+ Forward judo roll
+ All forms of forward, back, and side breakfall to any stance.
+ Student to show spatial awareness whilst performing all ukemi
Nage Waza
+ Uki Otoshi - Floating Drop
+ Tsuri Komi Goshi - Lift Pull Hip
+ Yoko Otoshi + Side Drop Sode
+ Tsuri Komi Goshi + Sleeve Lift Pull Hip
+ Uki Waza - Floating Technique
+ O Guruma + Major Hip
+ Ko Uchi Gari (from a punch) - Minor Inner Reap
+ Wrist lock into hip throws.
+ Straight arm wrist lock throw
+ Leg locks and defences.
+ Backhand stab and slash with knife
+ Long stick/baseball bat
+ 2 person attacks showing understanding of theory (triangle and shield).
+ Defence from the ground