Adult 3rd Kyu - Light Blue Belt
The student must be able to demonstrate the full Purple Belt syllabus and the following:
+ The student should show good timing and control in all falling
+ Diving over a chair
+ Falling backwards from a chair
Nage Waza - At this level it essential that the student shows good style and posture.
+ O Soto Otoshi - (reaping the leg) Major Outer Drop
+ Harai Goshi - Sweeping Hip
+ Kuke Nage - Air Throw
+ Yoko Guruma - Side Wheel
+ O Soto Guruma - Major Outer Wheel
+ De Ashi Harai - Advancing Foot Sweep
Gatame Waza
+ Kesa Gatame - Scarf Hold
+ Kata Gatame - Shoulder Hold
+ Yoko Shiho Gatame + Side Four Quarters Hold
+ 8 Wrist lock
+ Wrist lock into Kitomo Seionage.
+ Wrist lock into Sumiotoshi
Chokes and Strangles
+ Shimewaza and counters
+Gun Defence
+Tanto randori
+Defence from chain attack
The student must be able to demonstrate a variety of disarming, throwing, and immobilisation techniques.