Human Development

The Japanese principle of unification of Shin (mind), Gi (skill), and Tai (body) is an important concept in Bu Jutsu. Its is upon reaching this level of awareness that a person can develop him or herself to the point of selflessness and achieve the ultimate of the martial arts.


The Japanese Kanji for "Shin" presents the meaning of "mind" at its most basic. To view the character deeper we come to the meanings of heart and moral integrity. And from this we come to the understanding of doing a task for the love of it and not for financial or materialistic gain. It also constitutes that developing the mind is more important then developing the physical skills. With a great mind any war and conflict can be resolved without resorting to violence.


The character for "Gi", presents us with the translation of "understanding of technical skills". To understand the necessity for learning and developing skills that will benefit us and thus benefiting our society. The development of required, practical and effective understandings of technical skills.


"Tai" which translates to "body" refers to the notion that our physical forms must be cultivated to the pinnacle of human ability. That an individual is limited only by his/her own personal limitations and that these "self-imposed limits" need not exist. To train for our well-being, contributing to the effect of positively influencing others.


Shin-Gi-Tai is the coming together of the mind, skill and body to produce the "ultimate human attribute". These three qualities are the essence of the perfect harmony that all human qualities should be balanced.

The unification of Shin-Gi-Tai is the ultimate quest for the martial artist and any individual striving for self development. This is the purpose of his or her life. It is the path of life's journey that we choose that will contribute to this development.

In Ju Jitsu we strive for the Shin-Gi-Tai concept of human development.


Work in Progress



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