Nage No Kata
Nage-No-Kata is a series of 5 sets of 3 throws performed in a formalised way. The kata has its origin in the Kodokan and was devised by Jigoro Kano, and requires uki and tori to work together demonstrating the principles of throwing with focus and commitment.
+ Te-waza (hand techniques) uki-otoshi, ippon-seionage, kata-garuma
+ Koshi-waza (hip techniques) uki-goshi, harai-goshi, tsuri-komi-goshi
+ Ashi-waza (leg techniques) okuri-ashi-barai, sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi, uchi-mata
+ Masutemi-waza (backwards sacrifice techniques) tomoe-nage, ura-nage, sumi-gaeshi
+ Yoko-waza (side sacrifice techniques) yoko-gake, yoko-garum, uki-waza