The Gentle Art for Women
A highly recommended video to watch. It is self explanatory.
"Technique and skill overcomes size and strength"
This is what makes jujitsu one of the most effective self defense art in the world for women.
It has been brought to the Britain and Europe in the early 1900 by Japanese masters Kenshiro Abbe, Yukio Tani, etc to name a few.
No strength needed. The video is an excellent example where you can neutralize an attackers strength just by using leverage and breaking the attackers center of gravity (balance).
Presented by Miss May Whitely, performing the self-defense techniques wearing high heels and a skirt. While other would see this as a handicap or a disadvantage, with ease, she shows excellent balance and technique in executing them.
The attacks are done realistically.
The attacker is thrown and does not throw himself.
The attacker is thrown either because of a joint lock or broken balance.
Though the attacker is thrown hard and give an over-dramatic painful expression, notice that he never drops directly on his lower back or his head. He is using "ukemi waza" to fall without injury and is merely acting his part for the presentation. The attacker is an experience British jujitsu-ka, named Charles Cawkell.
Do NOT use the moves shown in the video on an untrained person, if you are not trained in jujitsu.