Adult 5th Kyu - Green Belt
The student must be able to demonstrate the full Orange Belt syllabus and the following:
+ Full Ukemi Kata with good style and posture - the student must be relaxed and confident with his or her falling
+ Sliding from someone's back from a height no greater than 2 feet
+ Falling over two people
+ Kick and drop
+ Hand-stand breakfall
+ Arm lock kata
Nage Waza
+ Morote Seoi Nage - Two Arm Shoulder Throw
+ Uki Goshi - Floating Hip
+ Hane Goshi - Spring Hip
+ Ashi Guruma - Ankle Wheel
+ Ketomo Seoi Nage - Shoulder Throw
+ O Uchi Gari (from a punch) - Major Inner Reap
+ Seoi Otoshi - Shoulder Drop
+ 5 Wrist lock
+ 9 Downward stab defence.
+ All 9 head locks and defences.
+ Chain Defence using belt.
+ Knife defence from slash and downward stab
+ Stab to kidneys
Demonstrating control and variety of techniques during Application/Defence. Making use of appropriate weakener and kiai, and finishing at all times.