Adult Sho Dan - 1st Dan Black Belt
+ Falling on a hard surface - diving over people or objects
+ Diving from a table
+ Precise and controlled movement should be demonstrated in all areas
+ Nage-No-Kata - demonstrating 4 throws and an understanding of the kata
Nage Waza
+ Sumi Otoshi - Corner Drop
+ Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi - Propping Lift Pull Ankle
+ O Tsuri Goshi - Major Lift Pull Hip
+ Ko Tsuri Goshi - Minor Lift Pull Hip
+ Utsuri Goshi - Transition Hip
+ Yoko Gake - Side Hook
+ Soto Makikomi - Outer Winding Technique
+ Hane Makikomi - Winding Spring Hip
+ Defence from random attacks using a variety of weapons with full application and finish
+ Defence from baton choke to throat Defence while seated - any attack Tanto randori