Adult 1st Kyu - Brown Belt
The student must have had significant experience of group instruction. The student must be able to demonstrate the full Dark Blue Belt syllabus and the following:
+ The student should have good timing, control, and spatial awareness in all falling and should appear comfortable falling from any situation
+ Diving over a table
+ Diving from a raised surface (no higher than 18")
+ Falling from Tomoe Nage
+ Nage No Kata - Uki Otoshi
Nage Waza
+ Tani Otoshi - Valley Drop
+ Kata Guruma - Shoulder Wheel
+ Ushiro Goshi - Rear Hip
+ Kani Basami - Scissors Throw
+ Okuri Ashi Harai -Transmitting Foot Sweep
+ Tawara Gaeshi - Rice Bail Throw
+ Uchi Makikomi - Inner Winding Technique
+ Defence from any attack using techniques demonstrated in a technical proficiency.
+ Knife to throat from front and rear
+ Defence from Bokken & Jo
+ Sword defence
+ Tanto randori
+ Defence while seated - broken bottle
+ Wrist lock counters
+ Modern Weapons Defense
Anything else required by the grading panel